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The Grand Furby Meet 'n' Greet

Come and meet the latest Furby travelers coming to our home.

Newest Friends

Two European McDonald's Fresh Faces

Red/White McDonald's Eur. 2001 and Tiger UK McDonald's 2000
Origin: 2023, Colorado
Rarely if ever do these Furbys show up in the USA. They're super cheap but shipping costs make it too much of an effort to seek them out from European sellers. Finally got a few. Our original ones were picked up in Germany when they came out, simply by the coincidence of being there. We were greedy little McDonald's kids.

Another Sad Faced McDonald's Furby and a 2001 Jazz Furby and Mini Shelby?!

Origin: 2023, Ohio
I found three McDonald's Furbys in Ohio at Beaver Creek Flea Market in May 2023. One was sitting out and looked quite distressed. The others (2001 Tiger Electronics set) were at the bottom of a bucket of toys. I know where to find these guys I swear. They are in pretty good condition.

Slightly Older Acquisitions



Wolf Furby Buddies
Origin: 2023, from Oklahoma

Booboo is home! He makes a fine addition to the family. A real go-getter. Maybe a little bit of the spoiled younger sibling in him because he is so cute I can't help it.